
Should Entry Test be Taken?

Well there is a great debate in this regard , Should entry Test be taken ?

People will differ in opinions as they always do, so let us see what students say about entry test?

What is benefit of Entry Test? 

Really kind of Question you would never like to answer if you are appearing this year.
But there are some benefits that we understand, I am not going to share my views about it but of some of the students , Whom I asked the same Question.

Some said that Entry Test is good as it tests concepts and also it really discriminates between cramming and conceptual study , others gave the benefits like It Tests your nerves, confidence etc. While The most interesting one was

Entry Test decreases Merit. And yes it decreases merit, as people usually score much less in Entry Test but that has been pretty much changed by last year class ,

Highest Marks in MCAT reached the 98% and that is very much greater than Highest Marks in FSC 94% ,

So is the Test so much beneficial? Let's see the other side of the picture.

What are drawbacks of Entry Test? :

We asked the Question from some students and let us see some of the answers

Entry Test is not that conceptual as people think, and it is just to get some favourite students (you know what I mean) get admitted to the institutes.

Others said : 

Board exams are improving each day and sometimes MCQ in Board exam are much good than those we are seeing in MCAT these days so does it tests concepts, Just students get confused and get low marks, otherwise it is just a waste of time most of the time , and if you have good marks in FSC 90% of the time you do well.

The most heart touching answers were given by a student of Higher Secondary School of some village :

" you know what , Entry Test is really a burden on us , We living in villages don't have the teachers as able as of cities and we don't get the facilities that others enjoy and despite being the brightest of brains we can't make it through these Tests, And It is all added up when we can't pay fee of kips and other institutes, and are left helpless sometime appear in Test and we don't know How will it look like"

We Leave it to you : 

It is really kind of Question we can't answer , so we leave it to you to decide , Should Entry test be taken or not , We have added a poll, you can answer the Question

"Should Entry test be taken?"

Your comments and votes will decide.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I think Entry Test should be taken, There is no point in abandoning it, and it has been thus for years and has worked well.


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